How To Transfer Domain Registrar From Godaddy To

I was asked to take over managing a few domains for someone, part of this includes renewing the registrations. As they currently are on Godaddy and having to deal with that system would annoy me and waste my time I am transferring the registrar to

As part of the transfer process you must make sure the domain is unlocked, which I did. Then you must send yourself the authorization code (for making a transfer). You need to provide this code to the new registrar. Not surprisingly Godaddy attempts to make this difficult. Then the email just says: prog_id=GoDaddy&isc=aaaa111 That will not work. I was able to find a way to download the code for all the domains (you have to create an export list, instead of just viewing it from the domain page). That method provided a 16 digit (alpha and numeric and very occasional special character) codes for all the domains. makes the transfer process very nice and smooth with a easy to follow user interface. They do cost a bit more than others but they are well worth it in the time you save for most people (if you really want to save every last dollar you can find cheap registrars that are less annoying than Go Daddy).

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