Some Quick cli Syntax for Postgres

How to Dump SQL result to a text file using cli

> psql -U postgres -d [database_name] -c ‘SELECT * FROM users’

How to exit postgres command-line utility psql
Type \q and then press ENTER to quit psql

Reset Root Password on MySQL Database
Notice that in PostgreSQL superuser is called postres (not root). If you forgot superuser password, you can reset it this way:

edit file pg_hba.conf

> sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf

and find there a line similar to:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
local   all             postgres                                md5

md5 here means that postgres asks for password. If there is this line then replace
md5 with peer, if there is no this line then add it

local   all             postgres                                peer

save the file, exit and reload postgresql service to pick up the updated configuration:

> sudo service postgresql reload

Then you should be able to get access to psql without providing a password this way:

> sudo -u postgres psql

In psql you can change user password using this command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'new password';

PostgreSQL performance and monitoring

switch current database

\connect database_name or \c database_name

you can user autocomplete by pressing [tab]

list tables in current database


create a new database and import tables, data from a dump
in psql

CREATE DATABASE some_database

create a dump (in terminal)

> pg_dump dbname > outfile

You may notice that no password is used. That is because with Postgres you can setup a password file that is used to verify your access as such:

> vim ~/.pgpass

Then (format is hostname:port:database:username:password):

[ctrl-x] then confirm with y, then hit [enter]

save and exit

> chmod 600 ~/.pgpass

restore a dump (in terminal)

> psql dbname < infile

more details on dump-restore

create a user (it sql)

CREATE USER tester WITH PASSWORD 'test_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "test_database" to tester;

notice difference in quotation marks – in first case it must be single quotation mark ‘ and in the second case – double quotation mark “, otherwise PostgreSQL raises a syntax error

restart PostgreSQL

> sudo service postgresql restart

other regular service actions available too – [force-reload, reload, start, status, stop]

Also for Nginx (unrelated to this post really), Restart Nginx

sudo service nginx restart
other regular service actions available too – [force-reload, reload, start, status, stop]
reload only reloads configuration files, without stopping a service (which restart does)

Related: How to Dump SQL Result in MySQL to a Text File Using cliReset Root Password on MySQL DatabaseSome MySQL cli Syntax

Top with Better Display Options

Scout Realtime is a Ruby Gem that allows you to view top in the browser. One huge advantage is to view charts of activity over time.

Scout Realtime is open source and free.

Related: System Monitoring Tools for VPSBasic MySQL Performance MonitoringKeeping Your Hosted Ubuntu Web Server Software Up to Date

Make Your Bounce Rate More Meaningful

Nice post on what the operational definition (though it doesn’t use that term) of bounce rate is in Google Analytics and some ideas on how to fix bounce rate to be more meaningful (better fit your desired operational definition).

We often make mistakes because we use the data we have assuming it means something other than what it actually means. There suggestions let you make Google Analytics collect the data so it is more aligned to what you want to know.

Essentially bounce rate without any adjustment is operationally defined by Google to mean the visitor doesn’t click a link to another page on your site that has Google Analytic code (so it can register the click).

They suggested using

[javascript]setTimeout("_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ’15_seconds’, ‘read’])", 15000);[/javascript]

inside your Google analytic tracking code. They also updated the post with an idea from a Hacker News comment to use scroll tracking as a better option than just timing if they stay on the page at least 15 seconds. The scroll tracking lets you count it as a bounce only if they don’t scroll down and they don’t click to a new page on your site.

Which data is more useful depends on your situation, what you want to know and what you want to do with the data you collect.

Related: Setting Up Multiple WordPress Blog Network on One Server, How To Overcome ConflictsWordPress error, Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.ModSecurity Adjustments for WordPressSimple Process to Claim Authorship of Pages with Google

System Monitoring Tools for VPS

Tools for monitoring performance and troubleshooting Ubuntu VPS web servers

  • Munin – graphs of system resources over time. Very nice. Can be a bit difficult to setup.
  • top – system stats
  • iotop – like top, but for io stats. Install [bash]sudo apt-get install iotop[/bash] Useful setup [bash]iotop -b -o -d 30 -t[/bash] -b (batch – so you can keep a running tally of results) -o (only those processes with io) -d (delay and seconds – how often to print out stats) -t (include time in printout)
  • vmstat – stats on memory, io, swap, cpu and system. Example: [bash]vmstat 10[/bash] (prints out stats every ten seconds.
  • iostat

Error logs

  • [bash]sudo nano /var/log/apache2/error.log[/bash]

Apache web server access log statistics

  • Webalizer – [bash]sudo apt-get install webalizer[/bash] GeoIP is required for webalizer [bash]sudo apt-get install geoip-bin[/bash] detailed instructions